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Friday Film Club: Center Stage (2000)

center stage movie

Center Stage Movie

By Veronica Viccora


It's a month of LOVE here on the Slipper Edit! And today we're talking all about SELF love in the form of cozy movie nights.


Center Stage movie red scene

Friday evenings are one of my favorite parts of every week. Outside my apartment in New York City, I can hear the sound of people excitedly heading out for a night of adventure. But as much as I can, I save the midnight outings for Saturdays.

There's nothing I love more than getting home on a Friday, slipping into something comfy, making a cup of tea and turning on a film. It's my personal date night with myself each week and there are few things I let come between me and me.

(Yes. There is dark chocolate involved. And yes. I am indeed your grandmother).

So, if you too are planning on gifting yourself a cozy movie night at all this month, might I suggest this one?

center stage movie zoe saldana

Lately I'm on an early 2000s movie kick, especially any ones that have to do with dance, and Center Stage is a ballet movie classic. We're brought to a Ballet Academy in New York City where a group of young dancers hones their skills in preparation for a potential life changing end of year workshop.

And there is love all around in the Center Stage movie.

There's a triangle happening between 3 of the main characters. There's a boyfriend kept secret from an overbearing mother. There are girls questioning their love for dance and dancers learning to love themselves.

Plus, it was Zoe Saldana's film debut so what's not to love?


ballet dancer straddle stretching

I get it, self love can be pretty challenging sometimes, especially as dancers. We're constantly receiving messages about why we aren't enough. But whose definition of enough are we using? When did we lose sight of what enough means to us? If you've been struggling with self love and never feeling good enough, check out this post I hope it helps<3


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